Basic Syntax
Program Structure
// optional, when we need external functionality
#include <header>
#include "header.h"
// required, `main()` the entry of every c program.
int main() {
return 0;
Variables & Types
// variable
int age; // declaration
int score = 90; // declaration with initialization
float height = 1.75;
char initial = 'J';
// constant
const int MAX = 100;
const double PI = 3.14;
// array
char str[5]; // declaration
int numbers[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // declaration with initialization
// basic types
int, float, double, char, void
// type modifiers
long, short, signed, unsigned
// type conversion
(int) 3.14; // => 3
(float) 3; // => 3.0
Note that when doing calculations, compiler will tries to promote the operands to the same type by converting "lower" type to "higher" type.
// arithmetic
+ - * / % ++ --
// `/` is integer division if both operands are integers.
// `%` is the remainder of the division.
// relational
== != > < >= <=
// logical
&& || !
// `&&` and `||` are short-circuit operators.
// bitwise
& | ^ ~ << >>
// assignment
= += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= |= ^=
// `x op= y` is equivalent to `x = x op y`
// conditional
// `x ? y : z` is equivalent to `if (x) {y}; else {z};`
Control Flow
// if-else
if (condition) { /* ... */ }
else if (condition) { /* ... */ }
else { /* ... */ }
// switch-case
switch (enumerable) {
case variant1: /* ... */ break;
case variant2: /* ... */ break;
default: /* ... */
// while loop
while (condition) { /* ... */ }
// do-while loop
do { /* ... */ } while (condition);
// for loop
for (init; condition; update) { /* ... */ }
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { /* ... */ }
// break, continue
break; // exits the loop
continue; // skips the current iteration.
// label
label: // statement
// goto
goto label; // jumps to the label.
// declaration
int add(int a, int b);
// definition (implementation)
int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
// calling
int sum = add(3, 5);
Compound Data Types
Allowing to group different data types together.
// declaration
struct Point {
int x;
int y;
// construction
struct Point p1 = {0, 0};
// accessing members
p1.x = 3;
p1.y = 4;
Allowing storing different data types in the same memory location. With only one variant (member) being accessible at a time.
// declaration
union Data {
int i;
float f;
// construction
union Data data;
// accessing members
data.i = 10; // only `i` is accessible now
data.f = 220.5; // only `f` is accessible now
// note that accessing `i` after assigned `f` is undefined behavior.
Allowing to define a type with a set of named values.
// declaration
enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
// construction
enum Color c = BLUE;
// Using enum values
if (c == RED) { /* ... */ }