
Directory Structure

CMake is a build system generator. It generates build files in the specified directory, usually build/, from the CMakeLists.txt file in the project directory (top-level directory).

├── build/
│   ├── CMakeCache.txt
│   ├── CMakeFiles
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── cmake_install.cmake
│   └── Makefile
├── ...
└── CMakeLists.txt

Build & Install Binary

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22.1)

# Build executable
add_executable(executable_name main.cpp)

# Install binary to PATH
install(TARGETS executable_name DESTINATION bin)

Build & Install Library

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22.1)

# Build library
add_library(library_name lib.cpp)

# Install library to INCLUDE
install(TARGETS library_name DESTINATION lib)

Linking Library

# Linking system installed library
target_link_libraries(target_name library_name)

# Linking library by path
target_link_directories(target_name PRIVATE path/to/the/library/)
target_link_libraries(target_name library_name)