This page is INCOMPLETE
This page is incomplete and is still being written.
Program Structure
// required, `main()` the entry of every dart program.
void main() {
print('Hello, world!');
Variables & Types
// variable
int score = 90;
String name = 'John';
// type inference
var year = 1998;
var height = 1.75;
var map = {
'name': 'John',
'age': 23,
// null safety
int? age = null; // nullable
int age = 23; // non-nullable
// objects
List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3];
Map<String, int> dict = {
'one': 1,
'two': 2,
Control Flow
// if statement
if (cond) { /* ... */ }
else if (cond) { /* ... */ }
else { /* ... */ }
// c-style for loop
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { /* ... */ }
// for-in loop
for (var item in items) { /* ... */ }
// while loop
while (cond) { /* ... */ }
// function
int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
add(1, 2); // => 3
// arrow function
int minus(int a, int b) => a - b;
minus(3, 2); // => 1